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D Building,Pioneer Park,3rd Industrial Zone Fenghuang Village, Fuyong Town,Baoan DistrictShenzhen,Guangdong,China


First to conclude: bone-conducting headphones are not worth buying in most cases

First of all, bone conduction earphones are not a new concept. After nearly ten years of development, most of the bone conduction earphones in the market still have unsolvable principle problems.


The first is fitness.The principle of bone conduction earphone is to rely on its two sound tapes tightly attached to part of the skull of the ear, which will shock to the inner ear lymph fluid, auditory nerve and other structures to play the role of sound, and this clamping is generally achieved by the ring elastic metal in the middle of the two sound parts.However, the skull shape of different people is different, which leads to the problem that many people can't get the fitting effect after wearing, affecting the sound volume.


The second point is the problem of sound leakage.As mentioned above, the vibration of the audio tape will inevitably lead to the vibration of the headphone body itself, which will cause the vibration of surrounding air to cause the sound leakage.This varies depending on the volume of the headphones, but is inevitable unless the case can be isolated from the vibration, which has not yet achieved any rational breakthrough.


The third is the issue of sound effects.Due to the lack of sound reflection in the ear canal compared with traditional in-ear headphones, and the fact that the ear canal is kept open will allow all kinds of sounds from the environment to enter, the sound of the headphones will be difficult to match in size and quality even if you buy a normal earphone.Plugging your ears can solve both of these problems to some extent, but why not just buy an in-ear earphone...


Bone-conducting headphones can still damage hearing.


However,bone-conducting headphones have one and only one advantage: they allow you to receive a sound while keeping your ear canal open.


It is useful in many cases. Here are some examples:

Outdoor sports such as running and mountaineering, of course ordinary headphones can also solve the need to listen to music (sound quality is better), but because of the characteristics of bone conduction headphones, you can also listen to environmental sounds while listening to music, and you can hear the siren of bicycles/electric cars, or the safety reminder of passers-by or peers when running;This makes exercise relatively safe (there's no data on how many people get hurt because they can't hear a safety alert while running or listening to music).

2.Go shopping with my girlfriend. I like listening to music while shopping because it takes me a long time.Then there's the problem. Girlfriend gets angry because I don't talk to her.No way, put on headphones to create a sense of distance .And usually see a friend wearing headphones, people do not want to talk to him.

3.The very important scene comes~when you hide in the room to watch the ** movie, don't you

worry about someone pushing the door and entering (imagine the scene yourself);Play external

sound and not, with headphones and afraid of someone knocking on the door can not hear...


When driving, this is very easy to understand, while talking on the phone can also hear outside honking sound, naturally safer.


Considering the above shortcomings, it can only be said that this thing is almost certainly not easy to use in a quiet place (sound leakage), in a noisy place is likely to be difficult to use (sound is relatively small and poor quality earphones), so it is really very chicken.Unless you have special needs or a strong curiosity, it is not recommended to buy.