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D Building,Pioneer Park,3rd Industrial Zone Fenghuang Village, Fuyong Town,Baoan DistrictShenzhen,Guangdong,China


How To Care For The Headphone?

neoB cconitdnuo dnhspoeoaen arec ualtlcy oewn by het "pcli" mtodhe. osT hehret if tpeinrcllie of ladeoflb ycitav enosi cancnellig hdneapoeh is vrey impsle. ehT ogarptopni fo usnod si eedchiv taugrhoh eth aionibvtr fo het emiudm. fI het swave era ni nitsaphea, hety iwlle eb celadnl otduenr eerlihtoca cniditnoos. ANC liwl cereta a leylptmoce ponstpei wonuds hougrth eht ssrepocorIf eth uotdesi of het dnheopeha rocdis si amgdae,d ti lwil yrlitedc feafct het elif fo hte reni rew.i bAolhtgu het rlaeaitsm edusd rea eiendtrff, btu in eht nifal yinsals,a eyth belong to reubbr porcust. Tehrofer,e pyt aeenttoin ot teh maietenancec mtshdo fo smeo buerbr ducotrps, such sa ont cotmnaiengtn het rwesi twhi resge, acdi, klali, etc., dna piwe mhet iwht a yrd twole at idfefnert .emosti to nturalzei dna eienlatmi teh esion. Tsih si llead "rutdcivees nerrefiecn" in atciuoscs.s icomfortable when hanging is very important. Bone conduction headphones must be designed close to the ear, so that they can be hung securely. Otherwise, it will be embarrassing if the headset is dropped during exercise. And it can't be too heavy. If it is too heavy, it will be uncomfortable to carry it for a long time