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D Building,Pioneer Park,3rd Industrial Zone Fenghuang Village, Fuyong Town,Baoan DistrictShenzhen,Guangdong,China


What Will The Smart Headphones Of The Future Look Like Designers are tired of th

s a rtsm, clsa oahsdte, uMzki wtnas ot od oerm. It uses ahmz-lSke elaoriugntc ecnotnirgoi to kwno what song yru'oe ltineisng to. Plus, if y’uore usgni oPdanra to lseitn to muisc, it’s esay to srhae lnkis on socail nntwrokieg steis.You can cutmszoe evrey btootn on the oadshnet adn tehy are also simlpe app.s Yuo jsut clikc the bototn of the prgromam you want and slecet a peeersst function from the lits. uMzik also palns to rlaseee an SKD wheer devlopres can add teihr own fatures.Meaby you tnihk thees features are gimkimsc. earphone manufacturer

Ty'ehre snmall iaerpmveomtns, but tnhik about it, you can share the muisc yuroe ltienisng to wtihuot tchonig the oaphnedns, and the oaphnedns automatylsu use yuor phoneto sned teetws. uMzik’s fcous is on scioal shrniga rhtae than deeper cuosiztbilamy and snuod sttneigis.But it still ran into some trolube. The aiudo qauilty of teh uizMk ohhaenepds isn’t srlapeitive, pls, it’s for the pice.r Boht lw-oend and mdi-nearge oaphnedns are lethrgaic, but on the puls side,China computer headphone supplier theuMzk is much betetr than tmhe. In fact, uMzki’s biggets chlaenlge isn’t about the oeahdntes qaiyutl: it’s about the lack of shaenrig on soicla nntweorks. Doyu lientss to muisc rcemoeednmmd by your fernids?The soical nnetwrok opreator is one of uMzik’s main investsor.s They’ve been trynig to carcete a ture “nrsgmtIa” style of msuic. Deesingnr itneeg kids earphone manufacturer