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D Building,Pioneer Park,3rd Industrial Zone Fenghuang Village, Fuyong Town,Baoan DistrictShenzhen,Guangdong,China


China Bluetooth headphone manufacturer

Introducing custom fit earphone tips. At Snugs, we 3D print the tips, using your ear impressions, to fit the exact size and shape of your ear. We have successfully made tips for many ‘weird and wonderful’ ears, including tips for AirPod’s for a customer with cauliflower ear – this was game changer for him:“The sound quality has been fantastic and they’ve stayed firmly in his ears through exercise”

Noise Isolation 

When using Snugs, you find that you hear parts of the song that you had never heard before. Due to the level of noise isolation and sound fidelity, you will find you need to lower the volume on your earphones. This has a health benefit as lower volume = safer listening, and reduced risk of damaging your hearing.


The generic tips supplied with earphones tend to be a foam material or silicone. From a hygiene perspective, silicone is the winner as it is washable, which is important to stop problems such as ear infections. Many foam tip suppliers recommend replacing the tips every few months, which could be even more frequent as they are not always washable.

Snugs are made from a medical-grade soft silicone which is easy to keep clean. Additionally, they keep their shape. Foam tips after a number of uses tend to change shape and mean you need to replace them.

So, there are advantages of using a custom fit silicone tip over a generic foam tip, in terms of hygiene benefits and longevity of use.

When travelling on the motorway at 70mph, riders can be subjected to wind noise over 100db, and on average the engine noise from a motorcycle is around 90db. That means that your ears are being subjected to around 1,000 times the ‘safe’ sound levels of 70dB! And the faster you go, the noisier it gets – increasing the risk you are placing on your ears. So, no matter how long or short the trip, any motorcycle journey has the potential to cause serious and irreversible damage to your health – hearing protection is a must.