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D Building,Pioneer Park,3rd Industrial Zone Fenghuang Village, Fuyong Town,Baoan DistrictShenzhen,Guangdong,China


Why Are TWS Earbuds So Popular?

TWS technology is accelerating with the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and wearable devices. The launch of TWS headgear is in line with the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology. According to a Qualcomm survey released in August 2018, there are three main reasons why individuals buy wireless earphones with AI voice support. It is the collection of fitness and health data and the acquisition of GPS instructions. In the future, it may only be possible to communicate with the outside world through an "audible" voice user interface. A more optimistic prediction from the industry is that the combination of TWS earphones and smart speakers will create a new entry point for smart engagement. TWS headsets are expected to enter the future smart home ecological chain of the Internet of Things world using multi-scenario applications.

It helps sound vibration travel through the bone structures surrounding the ears helping those who have auditory problems and issues processing sounds previously.

2) Prevention of ear infections

Previous Bluetooth devices have been known to carry around bacteria and other germs, when these devices come in contact with the ear, the germs begin to spread causing infections.

The Bluetooth bone headphones don’t come in contact with the ears so they are better suited to prevent ear infections

Simply put, active noise cancellation is a technology that cancels out certain elements of ambient sound. The key word here is active — the technology does not negate noise by simply attempting to block it. Instead, it listens to the sound using microphones on the headset, and produces a sound wave of its own that effectively cancels out the existing sound. With this, the sound is actively and deliberately reduced.

Noise cancellation types and settings

The advent of Bluetooth technology has been one of the greatest addition in recent time to allow for wireless transmission of data and sound.

Decades ago, sounds were transmitted with the use of wires connected from the sender to the receiver, this has been replaced with the use of wireless earphones that allows you to hear your music without having one or two wires choking you up.